fig :- operator 

 Operators are the special symbols that perform a specific and logical task to execute a program.
 some of the operators are given here let's discuss them below:-
a) Arithmetical operator:- these types of operators are used for general mathematical calculation   

Addition (+)   e.g. A+B 

Subtraction (-)   e.g. A-B 

Modulus (%) to find the remainder e.g. A%B 

Division (/)   e.g. A/B 

Multiplication(*)   e.g. A*B 

b) Relational operator :- relational operators are used to compare the value of return the value in true or false.  


Let's assume Age = 20 


<     (greater than) 

Age > 19 


>    (less than ) 

Age < 25 


<=  (less than equal to ) 

Age <= 18 


>=  (greater then equal to)  

Age >= 20 


= =  (equal) 

Age = = 18 


Fig:- table of operator  

  • Logical operator:- logical operators are used to combining two or more two conditions at once. Let's be clear with an example, age = 25 



age >18 &&  age < 50   



age > 18 || age <50 



age >18 ! age <50 

c) Conditional operator:- if we have a simple if-else condition then we can use them here with conditional operators, let's be clear with  

Condition? Expression1  | expression2; 

Between given number, if we need to check the condition and print the greatest number then  


int a = 10;
int b = 5
int c;
C = (a > b) ? a | b;

  a  is greatest 

Condition is checked at first, if the condition is true it will print expression1, other-wise it will go for condition2. 

d) Assignment operator:- assignment operators are used to assigning the value to variables or to assign the result of an expression as a variable. For example  

Int a = 10; 

The value that is on the right side (10) will be assigned in a 

  • Increment/ decrement operator:- increment increase and decrement decrease the value of a variable by one(I++) (I--) in c. both increment and decrement are use in a single variable so they are also called unary operators. 

It is of two types they are:- 

  1. 1) Pre increment/ pre decrement:- Operators use before the variables, it firstly increments the value of a variable and then initializes to another variable. Let's be clear with an example:- 

#include <stdio.h> 
int main()   
int x = 10;   
int yz;   
// y  = ++x;  
z  = -- x;   
// printf(" y =  %d\n", y);  // comment are used to print the correct value of a program (you can uncomment them and check it) 
printf("z = %d\n"z);  
return 0;  



x= 11  

y= 11 

z= 9 

  1. 2) Post increment/ decrement:- operators are use after the variables,  first, it initializes the value of a variable to another variable and increases or decreases the value of a variable. 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
  int x = 10;
  int yz;
  // y  = x++;
  z = x--; // printf(" y =  %d\n", y);  // comment are used to print the 
correct value of a program (you can uncomment them and check it)
  printf("z = %d\n"z);
  return 0;


x= 11 

y= 10 

z= 10 

  • e) Bitwise operator:- bitwise operators are used to manipulating in bit level. We use this to check the bit or to shift the bit to right or left  


Bitwise AND  


Bitwise OR 


Bitwise exclusive OR 


Bitwise left shift  


Bitwise right shift  

  • f) Special operator:- special operators are listed below let's discuss them here 

    1. 1) Size of operator:- they are used to check the size of variable and space in the memory, for example, int has 2 bit so it takes 2-bit memory. How to use this? Let's see:- 

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    void main()
      int ca = 100;
      c = sizeof(a);
      printf("size of a is %d "c);


    size of a is 4 


    1. 2) Comma operators:- these operators are used to link the same type of operators, it will be evaluated from left to right,  

    Int a, b, c, x; 

     a  = (b = 10, c = 20, x = a + b);  

    Output is x = 30. // 10 + 20  

    And value of  will be assign to a, so a = 30.