Write a C program to read roll no, name and marks of three subjects and calculate the total, percentage, and division.

QUESTION: Write a C program to read roll no, name and marks of three subjects and 
calculate the total, percentage, and division.

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    float rlchphbitotal;
    float percentage;
    char name;
    printf("enter the first character of your name: ");
    scanf("%c", &name);
    printf("enter your roll number: ");
    scanf("%f", &rl);
    printf("enter marks of Science subject: ");
    scanf("%f", &ph);
    printf("enter marks of Math subject: ");
    scanf("%f", &ch);
    printf("enter marks of English subject: ");
    scanf("%f", &bi);
    total = ph + bi + ch;
    percentage = (100 * total / 300);

    printf("the sum of your 3 subject marks is %2.f \n"total);
    printf("you have obtained %2.f percentage. \n"percentage);

    if (percentage == 100)
        printf("outstanding! \n");
    else if (percentage >= 91 && percentage <= 100)
    else if (percentage >= 81 && percentage <= 90)
    else if (percentage >= 71 && percentage <= 80)
        printf("good \n");
    else if (percentage >= 61 && percentage <= 70)
    else if (percentage >= 51 && percentage <= 60)

enter the first character of your name: y
enter your roll number: 10
enter marks of Science subject: 98
enter marks of Math subject: 95
enter marks of English subject: 91
the sum of your 3 subject marks is 284 
you have obtained 95 percentage.         

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