Write a program in C to calculate and print the Electricity bill of a given customer. The customer id., name, and unit consumed by the
user should be taken from the keyboard and display the total amount to pay to the customer. The charge is as follow: Go to the editor
Unit Charge/unit
up to 199 @1.20
200 and above but less than 400 @1.50
400 and above but less than 600 @1.80
600 and above @2.00
If the bill exceeds Rs. 400 then a surcharge of 15% will be charged and the minimum bill should be Rs. 100/-
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int id, el;
float tc1, tc2, tc, tc3, tc4, tca;
char name;
printf("enter your name(only first letter of your name): ");
scanf("%c", &name);
printf("enter your customer id: ");
scanf("%d", &id);
printf("enter a unit of consumed Electricity: ");
scanf("%d", &el);
if (el >= 0 && el <= 199)
tc1 = 1.20 * el;
printf("your bill is %2.f$", tc1);
else if (el >= 200 && el <= 399)
tc1 = 1.20 * 199;
tc2 = 1.50 * (el - 199);
tc = (tc1 + tc2);
tca = (tc * 15 / 100) + tc;
printf("your bill is %f $", tca);
else if (el >= 400 && el <= 599)
tc1 = 1.20 * 199;
tc2 = 1.50 * 200;
tc3 = 1.80 * (el - 399); // 190.8 + 238.8 + 300
tc = (tc1 + tc2 + tc3);
tca = (tc * 15 / 100) + tc;
printf("your bill is %f$", tca);
else if (el >= 600)
tc1 = 1.20 * 199;
tc2 = 1.50 * 200;
tc3 = 1.80 * 599;
tc4 = 2.00 * (el - 999);
tc = (tc1 + tc2 + tc3 + tc4); // 238.8 + 300 + 1078.2 + 2 = 1619
tca = (tc * 15 / 100) + tc; // ((1619 *15/100) + 1619) = 242.85 + 1619 = 1861.85
printf("your bill is %f$", tca);
printf("program execute!");
enter your name(only first letter of your name): a
enter your customer id: 145
enter a unit of consumed Electricity: 1450
your bill is 2896.850098$